7. Liz and all the other arrivals in Elsewhere are encouraged to find an avocation to pursue during their time there. Ghent explains to Liz that an avocation is something that makes one's soul complete (page 74). Some of the residents of Elsewhere work in avocations similar to the jobs they did on Earth; others have new ones. Marilyn Monroe becomes a psychiatrist. Curtis Jest decides to be a fisherman and comments that John Lennon is a gardener. How do the avocations of Monroe, Lennon, Owen, Betty, Curtis, and other characters reflect what they really want out of their new lives? What would you chose as an avocation?
I believe that they chose that certain kind of avocation because it showed their true personality. They could not pursue there dream on earth because it would ruin their image. Or they wanted to try something new, if not they wanted to try something that they never would have done on earth. I think I would have chosen something with animals too because it would be fun working with them and i would have never of thought of doing it on earth. I think that Liz chose that avocation because she did not get a chance to pursue it on earth. The kids that come to elsewhere will probably choose what they first wanted to be on earth because they did not have a chance to change their minds. Whatever avocation people choose it will be because they wanted to do it on earth but chose a different route instead.
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